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- | RUNS AT 28800BPS | \ \/ /
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- --+-- The Graveyard BBS
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- FiDoNet BarNet
- 2:257/132.0 --+-- DA NuMbA [+44]-01895-257986 --+-- 959:100/5.0
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- Phone Number : +31(0)15-2855231 USR Courier 33k6
- Located in Delft, Holland, Europe, the Milky Way.
- ______ ______ __ __ ______ ______ __ _______
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- / // // / | / / // // / / /
- ------- ------- -- -- ------- ------- -- --------
- _____ _____ _______
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- Sysop - David Sherwood / // / / // / / /
- AKA Marauder / // / / // / / /_____
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- +44 (0)181-695-1200 / __ | / __ | / /
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- If you are gonna make your ad a ASCII pic like some of the above then
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